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Centre for Neurodiversity Research and Innovation


The Centre for Neurodiversity Research and Innovation (CNRI) is proposed as a multidisciplinary centre drawing upon the collective strength and core values of Binghamton University and Christ University to establish evidence-based programmes, research and community engagement in the service of neurodiverse individuals.



1. To advance research and best practices to enhance the wellbeing and potential of neurodiverse individuals.

2. To collaborate with communities, institutions, and businesses to create inclusive environments that honor neurodiversity.

3. To promote awareness and understanding of neurodiversity in society.

4. To promote inclusive education, support, and resources to individuals with neurodiverse conditions and their families.

5. To promote research in the area of neurodiversity by establishing research partnerships within India (both research institutions and clinical organizations and schools). 

6. To develop technologies to benefit individuals with Neurodiverse conditions and their families.

7. To develop and validate measures to assess Neurodiversity, and associated potential and challenges.

8. To provide training and certification of evidence based practices and intervention in Neurodiverse conditions.

9. To provide Diagnostic, Early Intervention, Therapy, Intervention services and consultancy for Neurodiversity.

10. To develop open-access materials, supports, and technologies that support individuals with Neurodiversity and their families.

11. To offer post-professional training/development and certifications (workshops, courses, applied experiences, etc.

12. To become a Qualified Applied Behavior Analysis Credentialing Board (QABA) provider and training site.

13. To develop academic pathways for training at graduate and masters level in neurodiversity.


The Center for Neurodiversity Research and Innovation (CNRI) envisions a society in which every individual, regardless of neurodiverse profile, is accepted, included, and given evidence-based assistance and resources. CNRI strives to develop research, training, services, and community engagement through joint efforts between Binghamton University and Christ University in order to improve the quality of life for neurodiverse individuals and encourage greater understanding and inclusion in society.



At CNRI, our mission is to establish evidence-based research and innovations in practice that will improve access, reduce barriers, develop life-changing supports and training, for individuals across the neurodiverse spectrum thereby fostering a world where every mind is celebrated and included.

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